
来源:华中大新闻网 编辑:记者团 浏览次数:

新闻网讯(记者团 石淇源 唐婷 摄影报道)4月12日晚, 2004年诺贝尔化学奖得主阿龙.西查诺瓦(Aaron Ciechanover)博士在1号楼报告厅发表了关于自身科学研究经历的精彩演说。

“我已经来过中国两次,每次都会作一些演说,不过我想,再过十几年也许我就来不了了;你们也许会去教美国人该做什么。” 西查诺瓦博士幽默风趣的开场白使全场气氛轻松起来。

他对当晚到场的美国科学院院士Britton Chance表达了自己的景仰与感谢,接着谈论了自己对待科学研究的基本态度:“科学研究前首先要问这样几个问题:为什么要做,怎么做,出了问题会发生什么,发生了问题又如何解决。”

“你们应该熟悉传统的实验室中工作是怎样进行的,”他假作痛苦的表情,使得听众会心一笑,“我的导师Avran Hershko第一次带我进实验室时告诉我,他不知道我要做什么,也不知道我做的会发生什么;一切都要自己去尝试。” 西查诺瓦博士结合自己与导师合作研究经历,向听众阐述了“平衡‘自己所为’与‘模仿他人所做’”的重要性。



尽管讲座内容设计生化的专业知识 ,但是还是有很多学生慕名前来,希望一睹诺奖得主的风采,聆听他们的心路历程,会场座无虚席。




诺贝尔奖得主Aaron Ciechanover学术讲座摘要

Between the sixties and eighties, most life scientists focused their attention on studies of nucleic acids and the translation of the coded information. Protein degradation was a neglected area, considered to be a non-specific, dead-end process. While it was known that proteins do turn over, the large extent and high specificity of the process - whereby distinct proteins have half-lives that range from a few minutes to several days - was not appreciated. The discovery of the lysosome by Christian de Duve did not significantly change this view, as it was clear that this organelle is involved mostly in the degradation of extracellular proteins, and their proteases cannot be substrate-specific. The discovery of the complex cascade of the ubiquitin pathway revolutionized the field. It is clear now that degradation of cellular proteins is a highly complex, temporally controlled, and tightly regulated process that plays major roles in a variety of basic pathways during cell life and death, and in health and disease. With the multitude of substrates targeted, and the myriad processes involved, it is not surprising that aberrations in the pathway are implicated in the pathogenesis of many diseases, certain malignancies and neurodegeneration among them. Degradation of a protein via the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway involves two successive steps: (a) conjugation of multiple ubiquitin moieties to the substrate, and (b) degradation of the tagged protein by the downstream 26S proteasome complex. Despite intensive research, the unknown still exceeds what we currently know on intracellular protein degradation, and major key questions remain unsolved. Among these are the modes of specific and timed recognition for the degradation of the many substrates, and the mechanisms that underlie aberrations in the system that lead to pathogenesis of diseases. The recent discovery of modification by ubiquitin-like proteins along with identification of “non-canonical” polyubiquitin chains that serve non-proteolytic functions, have broadened the scope of the system beyond proteolysis and set new challenges in for biologists and proteomic experts. Major challenges in the field are clearly (i) identification of the cellular proteins tagged by ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like proteins, (ii) identification of the downstream elements recognized by these chains, and (iii) deciphering the structure of the different ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like chains that tag the different proteins.

(来源: Britton Chance生物医学光子学研究中心